Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cancer, the War and Its Politics!

Through drug treatment it is unlikely ever any great success rate has been corrected with cancer. Although there is still the treatment of cancer with a higher success rate with drug therapy, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, dietary and lifestyle changes is through the alternative method.

Past president of the War on Cancer declared some 40 years ago. Over time has been lost and won wars. War on cancer by at least the president did not win. His intention may be good and honest, but the big powers should not change your mind. After all he had other things on his mind, and the War on Cancer 'too hard' basket went in.

Any doctor with an alternative treatment for cancer coming was quickly crushed by the drug companies. It also qualified doctors went to the extreme of being threatened, and his medicine to become an outcast within his circle. The names of doctors a 'quack' and being called all sorts, and nothing has changed to this day.

They quack man? The doctors have a name for the alternative treatment for cancer and other diseases have come up with? Alternative treatment, yet a higher success rate than chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy for cancer treatment is shown.

Alternative cancer treatment was so successful that the medical board to stop it. Drug-drug cancer patients do not accept being treated without drugs. After all, business is business, and pharmaceutical companies protect their own interests will at all not the opposite.

All of this is the positive side, more and more doctors now stunning success with a natural and safe to fight cancer and other serious illness are converted to alternative medicine.

It is quite remarkable, is being treated with alternative natural medicine many of the most deadly forms of cancer. Patients were completely free of death, twenty years later still being alive and well. Whey such success stories, was never published in medical journals or are not? What do you think is the reason for this?

There is evidence that marijuana and hemp oil, other than treat the disease with the treatment of cancer, and lots of pain is reduced. It is illegal in some countries due to government laws, because of the greed of money by drug companies will not be excepted.

The politics of cancer is clear! Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg? For a multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is not going to happen. They spend billions of dollars a year, our health challenges of manipulating and distorting our perception of the appropriate solutions can afford. Drug and pharmaceutical companies withheld for centuries potential cancer treatment.

This statement is probably due to eye drift. I'm saying something about you, it is not possible they can. As no one is cruel to deny fair treatment. Secret, the pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment do not want you to know. Livelihoods and the natural or simple cure any disease, medication and health care industry would be threatened by a trillion dollars.

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